Sunday, December 19, 2010


This complaint has been brought to me very recently, tonight. It has been going on for quite a while, but sometimes I forget how annoying it is. MIGRAINES! See it wouldn't be so stinking annoying if first of all I didn't get them all the time and if they didn't hurt my head and make me miserable and if most of all the medicine didn't make me crazy. Okay, so the meds might not really make me crazy but they do do weird stuff to me. It takes two pills to get rid of one migraine, but each pill contains the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee, which wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to take them in the middle of the day, when you already had coffee that morning . (yes this happened today and yeah that's why I'm still awake). So I end up staying up late (sleeping all day) and having restless energy till I fall asleep (if I ever do). Funny thing is this doesn't sound much different than everyday of my life! I guess maybe I should just figure out my migraine triggers and avoid them at all cost but that sounds like a lot of work and time that I quite frankly don't have. Also, not to mention they ruined naps for me, GAY! So feel bad for me pray for me I'm not sure I was just bored. ya

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