So I think this will sum everything up: I love Snoop Dogg. This past week I have read the autobiography of Snoop Do-doubleG. First of all, it's a great book. I love the way Snoop talks and it sounds almost exactly how him. So come on. He teaches you a lot about the hood and how it really is. Tha hood, had always been extremely foreign to me and my outlook on it was basically just like what the media said, which is hardly ever correct. So I got the dirt on what's really going down and it was all actually really interesting. I mean its knowledge that I will probs never really need... but what the heck it's cool.
Snoop :) has taught me a loty. Because the thing is, he's smart. Defs not book smart but he really knows what's going on. He has a way of putting things so that they make sense, because he's real. In the start of his book he said, "That's why I've got to stay real, to remember where I came from and where I'm going. See, I didn't get sent out on this mission with nothing to cover my a$$ in a crossfire. A powerful weapon has been put at my disposal. The truth." I mean how cool is that. (and I know that he cussed but I think you can maybe over look that to see what he is saying, and a least he is sincere, okay). The lessons that Snoop has aquired in his life and then shared, are things that he has learned on his own and honestly can testify to. He didn't hear someone say it or just kinda learned from everyone else around him, he honestly and throughly grasped these concepts all by himself. And that is something not many people do these days. Some people are all talk, and the things they preach are just what they have heard all their lives but never really experienced... now not with my man Snoop. Some of the things he wrote, I never really heard in my life, and trust me I've heard a lot of stuff (if ya know what I mean *wink).
For example, he explained why even rich white kids like rap... "Looking out at those happy white people, bumping to the beat, flashing their signs and singing along to my words, I'd have to ask myself, What are they getting out of all this? How is it that they can relate to hip-hop as strong as anybody as black as I am? What's the connection? (truth and being real)... Because little white kids living in gated communities across this country want to be down with the brothers in the 'hood. We represent something to them- a freedom their mama and daddy can't ever buy." Here's another classic. "Making money is the bomb, don't get me wrong. But there's another reason youngsters are turning to the gangsta life style. It's cool, fool. Am I telling you something you don't know? Then, straight up, you are a fool and a bigger one than I thought.... Gangs are cool. Drug dealers are cool. Pimps and players are cool." He tells you straight up. And right now I can already hear you saying well blah, blah, blah, I don't look up to those guys.. but here's a question would you ever for one second mess with any of them.. exactly. I didn't grow up in the ghetto or anything but even I can see why this makes sense. I also learned a lot of interesting terms. Like, in the hood they use the term scrilla to describe paper money, and everyone wants to get some scrilla. Then I learned a lot of different terms for weed, like chronic, indo, kush, or a blunt. Like I said when will I need to know this.. I'm not sure but it doesn't hurt, hopefully.
So, Snoop is a Christian. Now before you go crazy and point out the obvious like he doesn't live the part and he smokes weed blah blah blah, just listen. You don't get to say it, I'm not letting you, because I'm saving you from feeling bad later. And maybe you won't but just hear me out.. for Snoop's sake. He grew up on the streets, and that is an experience that anyone who is reading this has never had to experience I'm almost positive. The struggles that he has been through are so much worse than anything I've ever known, but you know, he never complains about his past and still loves his 'hood, Long Beach. Respect. He gave his life to God when he was sentenced to jail for selling rock (cocaine, I learned the lingo), and his experience was honestly something so sincere you knew it was God who revealed himself to him so if anything you can't judge him on that. As I read the way Snoop described it yeah I cried, it touched me that much. Because the thing is everyone needs God even Snoop Dogg (rhyme) and it is really up to God to reveal himself to people, I can tell that it was genuine. "But it's funny how God works His game. Just when you think you've got Him figured out, some blindside twist of fate makes you understand that you can't figure Him out. That's why He's God and you're whoever the hell you are. He calls the shots, makes the moves, and keeps it all in check. You're just along for the ride... God isn't interested in any chicken heads on His team. He's looking for those who can prove their talk by the way they walk. And that was a lesson I was about to learn the hard way". <- Snoop Dogg said that! He talks about God a lot throughout the book and even though he's not really a role model type, he has things figured out pretty well and it's all through what God has revealed to him personally. He really understands the concept of things happening on God's timing and that is something we tend to forget. God takes time and we have time and it's all done on His time. I could honestly go on and on but I'll save leave it up to you to read the book I guess, if you've read this far already.
I guess one of the biggest things that really became clear through this book is that the more you learn about someone and hear about where they came from, the harder and harder it becomes to dislike them. First, all I knew about Snoop was that he was a lolz dude and has some sick rhymes. Now I know all about his life and if anyone says anything bad about him I will fight you with my witt and words. But the same goes with anyone really, just how you fall in love with someone (I don't want to say fall in love, not love, love, but a lovable respect) is simply by learning more about them and confiding in them. And I think that's why it's so dangerous and humans feel so vulnerable opening up all the time, myself included. I'm kinda cautious when I give out information about myself or you know hear someone's life story, because it's almost inevitable you will fall in love with them. This kinda leads you to wonder about love how finding the right 'one'. Well then, again not everyone thinks like me so maybe this isn't true for you, but whatever. I guess what I'm trying to say is just don't be so hard on people because if you actually could see where they are coming from I'm sure you would feel stupid for being so mean in the first place. And celebrities included. Now I'm not saying that this is always the case or that you should only see the good in people but at least see the good and the bad together. Ehh. I don't know. You can do what you want but this is just something kinda nice to think about. I honestly could just go on and on but I'll stop here.
So cheers to Snoop Dogg: you are great.
P.S.: I really miss my book. I have been thinking about it a lot and the jerk who stole it but. WHATEVER. I just really want to make some pics for peeps so if you want one let me know. I have an idea for some cool shirts though, not like anyone cares or probs read this but it's just a thought. and a very nice thought indeed.
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