Saturday, October 23, 2010


I thought it would be appropriate to write a post on the biggest complaint of my life. I think I complain everyday, pretty much, about him. It is my guinea pig named Cinnamon. I got him when I was nine for my birthday, at the time he was little and cute and so was I. He has grown like twice as big as when we first got him. I thought animals were great and I loved him very much, but that idea didn't last long. Soon he got annoying, really, really, really ANNOYING! It didn't take that long either. I thought that oh guinea pigs don't last long he's old he will die any day now.... I have been telling my self that for at least 4 years now! He is invincible and keeps living just to make my life horrible. 
This is what he does. When ever I'm trying to sleep or do anything, he squeaks, and it is a squeak that drives me crazy, literally. I can't stand the sound of it at all and the only way to shut him up is feeding him. The worst part is he's picky, he's an animal for crying out loud, he should not have the right to be picky! So he will keep squeaking until I give him food he wants. So to spite him sometimes I feed him weird stuff and he eats it... Once I fed him a jalapeno, a habanero, and some ham, he ate it all. The ironic thing is that he is this massive pain, beast of a guinea pig and his name is Cinnamon. 
So in conclusion I HATE HIM and I'm not sure if he will die of old age.. hint, hint. 

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