Monday, January 31, 2011

my finger!

haha so here is my latest drama. (I know this isn't a big deal but not much happens so I gotta do with what I have). So on Saturday, it was lovely, great day, climbed some hills. So what might you be asking made this day so dramatic.. Well it is what happened when I came home. There was a burglar/murder waiting for me, the door was wide open and a gun was pointed at me. I was luckily caring my pocket knife, which I took with me to the mountains, and in self defense I killed him before he could even put a finger on me! His last words were "...." silence. VICTORY! (I lied).

No really what happened is I lost. I was sewing a skirt for my sister. I carefully put all the planets into that skirt and it was almost done. Then in a split second I was about to sew in the last details, I got distracted, turned my head, pressed the peddle of the machine down then.... the needle went into my finger! I scream, I cry and I become very angry. Okay, this was one of the stupidest things I have done in a long while and I'm mad it had to come to this. But I guess I learned my lesson.. na there is no lesson to be learned, nice thought though.

I know the first one sounds better.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

love that

Okay so this week we had to take the tri-yearly, dba english testing. Awful I know. Anyways, in the test I read about one to the funniest poems, ever. I was about love and it took me a second to get over the fact that this was for real. I later went home in search of this lolerbear, love poem. I couldn't find it, however, in my search I found some other cute poems. Here they are.

"The Colour of My Love"

I'll paint a sun to warm your heart
Knowing that we'll never part.
I'll draw the years all passing by
So much to learn, so much to try.

I'll paint my mood in a shadow blue,
Paint my soul to be with
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones,
Draw your mouth to my own.

I'll trace a hand to wipe your tears
And trace a look to calm your fears.
A silhouette of dark and light
To hold
each other oh so tight.

I'll paint the stars in the evening sky,
Draw the light into your
A touch of
love, a touch of grace,
To softly fall on your moonlit face.

And with this ring our lives will start,
Let nothing keep our love apart.
I'll take your hand to hold in mine,
And be
together through all time.

(this is the love of a true artist.)

"Circle of Love"

I remember how I loved the way a woman smells

She's just showered and walks by pulling you in to her

Wondering how she would respond to you.

I remember all the girls I lied to.

Just to get close to that scent.

All the hearts that I left scarred because I loved

the feel of the skin as I rub and encourage my sins

While not caring that my love wasn't true.

(this one is rather creepy, he's sniffing girls.... you can guess the author.)

"A Love Song"

Let me sing you a love song
About what I feel in my
Butterflies can't find nectar
Whenever we're apart.

You're a flower in bloom.
In the dark, in the gloom,
It's you who brightens my day.
How many ways do I need you?
Every day, every way,
come what may.

(oh butterflies... they are love I guess.)

I hope you laughed out loud, I did when I read these. And also yes all the colored words were in a different color on purpose. I know what I'm doing. Goodnight <3>

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I want to go to the mountains. To an idealistic log cabin, where it's cold and I don't have to do anything or think about anything important. This sounds perfect to me right about now. Just to breath in the crisp, fresh air. With snow and a blanket wrapped around me. The unique silence is all around and theres a candle burning. I wish! Someday, someday, but sadly someday's not today and someday might just be too late. Maybe I'll just run away to the mountain's, not Albuquerque mountains but real mountains. Tonight.

Monday, January 24, 2011

lolz art

Since my book was stolen I haven'tposted
any art but now it's time. I made these pictures on my computer out of pure boredom, I call this collection lolz art. Enjoy.

($layer \m/)

Madison really likes learning.

This is and advertisement for my sister.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

computer games

Just in: a new post woah!

So for the past couple days my sister and I have been reminiscing about childhood and what not. Anyways, one of our favorite parts is the computer games we used to play for days on end. They were seriously the best computer, children games in the world. Let me tell you, first there was amazon trail. So the object of the game is to make it to the end of the amazon, you're on a boat, ya. So you're sailing down with your guide and along the way you have to make stops and talk to the locals and fish and what not. It took a really long time to finally get down and you meet a lot of really interesting people. I remember some parts were really scary and we used to get so caught up in it, but to say the least it was great.

The other wonderful childhood joy was called spy fox. In this one you're this fox and the point of the game is to solve some sort of mystery. Like in one you had to stop this evil poodle from ruining the ozone layer with her evilll hairspray! Do you realize how intese that is, I mean come on the out come of the world is at the tip of you're fingers. This game also made the best sound effects and the fox talked funny. As a kid these games felt so hard but really they weren't. It was pretty much like a giant puzzle that you had to solve and most of the time, solved several times. I loved it.

My sister and I are planning to buy these games soon and I'm honestly really excited. I have a lot of time on my hands and this would be a great way to spend my good ol' time. Also this will bring the good parts of my childhood to mind (I'm not saying that there were ever any bad childhood experiences, no). Also in case you were worried, they only cost like a couple buck$ so it won't be a waste of money either.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TUP Everyone

So before I get into the whole TUP business I wanted to complain. I recently learned that a starbucks double shot has in fact not two shots but five. Sadly, I learned this a little too late, how was I supposed to know, I guess it could be common sense but I just didn't think. So yeah I had a starbucks double shot venti thing and currently feel horrible and have been for the past hour or so. My head is spinning and everything just feels aweful, even my thought process. So yeah I decided to blog while I could type really fast, which I'm doing right now. Let me just say I learned my lesson and I will just stick to the calm tea for a while.

Anyways let's get down to business. So what is TUP you maybe asking yourself. Well, let me tell you. TUP stands for Trickle Up Poverty, which is a book written by none other than Michael Savage, my favorite. I picked it up like a week ago and so far it is just great. It is everything you would expect and more. It's just the perfect mix of humor, logic, and a little bit of justified conspiracy. I love it. Here is the opening paragraph: "President Obama is like a destructive child who takes apart a priceless watch that was carefully passed down to him. Without regard for the value of what he hold, he recklessly scatters the pieces on the floor and then can't put them back together again. Failing to learn from his mistakes, this destructive child moves on to another room where he finds another watch to take apart. Once again, he cannot put the pieces back together. That doesn't stop him from tearing apart yet another costly timepieces until all that's left are the pieces of discarded, functionless watches lying at his feet." Hahaha it's funny but so true, great use of the rhetorical strategy analogy Mr. Savage.

Another favorite: "Man may be the only living being on earth that will rely on others to feed it- and gives nothing to others in return!". The point of this book is to stop Obama's attack on our borders, economy, and security and trust me after reading just the first chapter you will see that yes in fact we are under attack. You will see Obama's Marxist-Leninest agenda and why you should fear it so much. See you may not think so yet but Mr. Savage does know his stuff he has studied the works of Marx and Lenin for almost forty years to simply know their flaws and yes he does make some wild claims but he has support to back them up. This is the kind of stuff that you don't hear about in the news and probably never will. See what I love about Mr. Savage is that he is real and also very blunt. The terms he uses to describe people are just priceless and make me lol for real.

"Entire books have been written about Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, the Three Stooges of Communism. These men thought they had invented a better economic and philosophical system upon which to build a nation. All three couldn't have been more mistaken. Like their TV and film counterparts, Marx, Lenin, and Stalin were always working on a new angle to pull the wool over the sheeple's eyes- although their results were far from a laughing matter". If you didn't catch it sheeple is a cross between people and sheep, get it.

Heres what he said about Pelosi:
"We all know speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is a bit off. This woman is so intoxicated with her own power that she runs around Washington like a despot. Don't get me wrong. My intention isn't to tarnish Madam Pelosi's reputation. She's already done a first-class job of that. Her behavior speaks for itself..... If Pelosi had as much passion for killing al-Qaeda as she has for killing our freedom of choice with her healthcare bill, the Democrat's approval rating would have soared 30 percent over night. Her passion is misplaced. It's backfiring."

So should you buy TUP, is it worth the money? YES! or you could just borrow my copy, but I'd want it back. I haven't finished it quite yet, but when I do I will let you all know how the rest is, so far I give it an A+.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Blah. I hate school. ya. But here's the thing I'm smart, I'm not trying to be prideful but I know I am. I feel as though I really am wasting my time and more than ever I am absolutely bored in almost all my classes. I wish I could just graduate already and then I can at least go to college but no I'm stuck for another year and a half, learning the same exact stuff over and over. Or just learning useless information. I know everyone says this but lately it's been really bothering me. I feel like I could be doing a million other things with my time that would be way more productive but I can't, I'm stuck. And the only reason that I'm doing well in school is because I have a underlying need to care about school. Which also bothers me, it's like something that I can't help, it's just there. I mean public school is great, ya know it's free! But what I think is funny is that schools try to focus on individuality, and act like they really care but they don't. They think that all the kids are stupid.
Maybe if they tried they would realize that there are a lot of kids out there like me that are just wasting their time, stuck and bored in high school. And teachers will tell you not to waste your time, when they are wasting yours. This all makes me really mad. Like I know that everything has a time and what ever but really. And it's all those stupid kids that hold back everyone else. It kinda creeps me out in a way to think of how this all came to be. It also makes me angry but I just don't want to do it anymore. If I wouldn't loose scholarships and what not I would definitely drop out and get my GED, heck I could of gotten that thing freshman year. This also makes me want to work hard and hopefully test out of my math and english classes in college and do well on my ACT so I get lots of money. Yeah from all of this, I will just make it my goal to make a bunch of money. I very well understand that this sound vain and it is but I might as well, if I can.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No no no

NnNnnNooOOOoOOOooOOOoooo! I'm so angry right now. I don't want to go back to school with everything that is in me. It's absolutely awful, just the thought gets my blood boiling. I hate school so much and starting drivers ed doesn't help one bit. Bla Bla plus I have to go to school on birthday this year. That never ever happens to me, but it will this year, and I will get to enjoy the awkward birthday wishes. Actually, I might not now that I think about it, I'm really good a keeping quiet and private at school ;)
So yeas I am behind in life and have started drivers ed, finally. It is the most boring class in the world, three hours everyday for two weeks, you have to be kidding me. I can hardly stand two days! Also, I haven't even spoke to anyone in my class yet besides the teacher, they're all little sophomores and I could really care more. But hey gotta love red asphalt. And not to mention truck drivers getting paid $500 to talk to you about their personal life and give marriage advice. I'm just glad to have my permit and finally drive, great birthday present. I really am thankful though.